IIC TW2023 - 智慧應用生態大會


Fusion Worldwide

展位號碼: D02

關於 Fusion Worldwide 孚昇電子
Fusion Worldwide 孚昇電子是全球首屈一指的電子元件和產品分銷商。我們提供全球範圍內專業的電子器件採購、檢驗、測試與交付等一系列供應鏈支持,也服務在各不同產業的原始設備製造商(OEM)、合約製造商(CM)和原始設計製造商(ODM)等客戶群。Fusion Worldwide 孚昇電子成立於 2001 年,總部位於美國 Portsmouth, New Hampshire,在歐美及亞洲各地設有辦公室,倉庫及檢測實驗室 。

About Fusion Worldwide

Fusion Worldwide is the preeminent open market distributor of electronic components and products. We source, inspect, test, and deliver a broad range of components to a large and diversified customer base that includes OEMs, CMs and ODMs across a wide array of verticals. Founded in 2001, Fusion is headquartered in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and maintains offices and quality centers in major manufacturing centers around the world. For more information visit fusionww.com, or follow Fusion Worldwide on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, and X.

