IIC TW2023 - 智慧應用生態大會

Nordic Semiconductor

Nordic Semiconductor

展位號碼: G02

Nordic Semiconductor是一家挪威無晶圓廠半導體企業,專門開發為物聯網(IoT)提供支援的無線通訊技術。成立於1983年,Nordic屢獲殊榮的低功耗藍牙解決方案開創了超低功耗的無線通訊技術先河,成為全球市場的領導者。此外Nordic還推出ANT+、Thread和Zigbee等技術產品,並於2018年發表小型低功耗的LTE-M/NB-IoT蜂巢式物聯網解決方案,以擴大物聯網的滲透率。Nordic於2021年,在產品組合中還進一步加入了Wi-Fi技術。

Nordic Semiconductor is a Norwegian fabless semiconductor company specializing in wireless communication technology that powers the Internet of Things (IoT). Nordic was established in 1983. Our award-winning Bluetooth Low Energy solutions pioneered ultra-low power wireless, making us the global market leader. Our technology range was later supplemented by ANT+, Thread and Zigbee, and in 2018 we launched our low power, compact LTE-M/NB-IoT cellular IoT solutions to extend the penetration of the IoT. The Nordic portfolio was further complemented by Wi-Fi technology in 2021.

