WiSECURE Technologies
過去 20 年來數位匯流的大勢所趨,「基於密碼演算法(Cryptogaphy)提供數位資料安全防護」的產業已臻成熟。匯智安全的商業模式與主流競爭廠商並無二致,但我們聚焦於「新經濟」,即「區塊鏈應用」(Blockchain applications) 及未來「後量子密碼學」 (Post-Quantum Cryptography) 技術需要,而以高 C/P 值產品滿足客戶現況保護需求出發、並保證客戶躍向新經濟時代時仍可使用我們的產品,此為傳統安全硬體產業廠商以「合規」 (compliance) 為產品核心理念時全然未顧及的市場需要。
The leading hardware security company of the new economic era
Propelled by the trend of digital convergence, cryptography-based data protection has been growing over the past 20 years. With its burgeoning implementation, the security industry experienced a resurgence of innovative application – digital signature, secure communication, mutual authentication, etc. Now based on these well-entrenched techniques, future stars are rising to eminence; they are blockchain and post-quantum cryptography, which cannot be underscored enough in the digitality-driven era, also called the new economic era.