Trinity Technologies Limited
創提科技創立於2012年美國加州爾灣,亞太設香港、臺灣、中國大陸3個分部,專注于高可靠性和高安全性行業的軟體工程化及自動化測試,提供軟體全生命週期的完整研發管理和測試平台解決方案,包含需求管理、靜態測試、單元測試、集成測試、性能測試,安全測試、以及軟體在環、硬體在環系統測試等、一整套領先的工具鏈和工程諮詢服務。創提科技核心成員累積25年以上經驗,憑藉在業內多年的技術深耕,備受業界首屈一指的合作夥伴信任,挾其在功能安全測試上的豐富經驗,協助本地產業界快速整合並實施 Standard Compliance (如 ISO 26262, ASPICE, ISO 21434) 要求的自動化測試流程。
Trinity Technologies commitment is our mission: Ensuring the quality, security and reliability of organization's software projects by providing the best of breed automated development, testing, and analysis tools with our unparalleled professional service.
Trinity Technologies takes the guess work out of the development and testing process by combining the best breeds of technologies and services to help our clients meet their required governance, regulatory compliance needs, improving overall project quality, security and reliability.