IIC TW2023 - 智慧應用生態大會


SuperLink Technology Corporation

展位號碼: J10

陸傑科技成立於1992年六月,由一群學有專長並具多年實務經驗的資深工程師組成. 主要代理產品為顯示器量測儀器、嵌入式系統開發工具、編譯器、即時作業系統、實驗評估板、燒錄器、軟體工程管理系統、電路板邊界掃描測試、工業級電腦、軍規電腦、測試用天線等,並可以跟據客戶需求提供專案及系統整合服務。

陸傑科技的經營理念為提供客戶高品質的產品及滿意的服務。產品為國內工業界, 研究機構,學術單位及軍方所採用,並廣獲好評。

Superlink Technology Corporation was founded in 1992 by a group of employees of Heighten Corporation, a very successful distributor of high quality electronic test instruments and computer products. Heighten distributed Tektronix product exclusively for over 30 years until Tektronix set up a branch office in Taiwan.

We inherited wide customer base of Heighten Corporation and continue to develop a strong sales force covering all applications for industrial, governmental, education, and military accounts. We seek a long term relationship with customers, providing excellent support and is repute

