KopherBit Co., Ltd.
科飛數位(KopherBit)是一家專注於電動車電控及車載韌體領域的公司,團隊成員致力開發產品以期協助開發人員簡化電動車ECU開發與測試流程。作為臺灣唯一國產AUTOSAR的車載軟韌體開發公司,科飛數位提供完整的MCU控制器解決方案,特別適用於各種電動車應用場景,包含動力系統、線控系統以及電池管理系統等多個領域。科飛數位的KopherBit Development Platform則是基於AUTOSAR規範之低程式碼控制器開發平台,能幫助汽車製造商與零部件廠商加速電子控制器(ECU)的開發與部署。目前,科飛數位已取得臺灣多數電動巴士訂單及取得產業界的廣泛認可,目前努複製台灣商用車經驗至國際。
KopherBit specializes in ECU controllers and in-vehicle firmware development, aiming to simplify the ECU development and testing processes. Being Taiwan's only and first domestic AUTOSAR IP provider, KopherBit offers comprehensive MCU controller solutions for various EV applications, including powertrain, x-by-wire, and battery management systems. KDP, our AUTOSAR-based low-code platform, accelerates ECU development process. KopherBit has been adopted in most of E-buses in Taiwan and is recognized in the industry, with plans to expand the EV experiences to international markets.