IIC TW2023 - 智慧應用生態大會


A Good Intention AI Co., Ltd

展位號碼: J08

AGAI(賦智行雲)開發醫療級別的大型語言模型(LLM)和3D牙科影像生成模型。AGAI通過AGAI MLOPS平台協助多家醫院進行AI項目,涵蓋基因組學、LLM和醫學影像分析等領域。實際應用包括開發醫學語言模型CAPYBARA Copilot-GPT和3D牙科影像生成模型,能夠在幾秒內執行患者教育、直腸癌護理、醫療記錄摘要以及牙齒矯正、植入和假體設計等任務,繼以大幅降低人為錯誤的可能性,且妥善通過分析歷史數據預測患者的醫療過程。

AGAI (A Good AI Intention AI Co.,Ltd.) has developed medical-grade large language models (LLMs) and 3D dental image generation models. AGAI assists multiple hospitals in AI projects through the AGAI MLOPS platform, covering areas such as genomics, LLMs, and medical image analysis. Practical applications include the development of medical language model CAPYBARA Copilot-GPT and 3D dental image generation models, capable of executing tasks such as patient education, rectal cancer care, medical record summarization, as well as orthodontics, implants, and prosthesis design within seconds.

