展位號碼: P31
AIRA城智科技是由擁有超過二十年影像領域經驗的專業團隊所組成,專注於AI演算法、影像辨識、大型系統整合領域的研究與開發。AIRA的使命是採用先進影像辨識技術,並整合場域現有系統,開發出AI全場域安防應用。於2022年榮獲 Intel DevCup研發競賽獎項。解決方案廣泛應用於企業、建築、工地管理等場域,協助客戶提升安全與管理效率。
AIRA is comprised of a professional team with over 20 years of experience in video recognition. We specialize in research and development in AI algorithms, image recognition, and large-scale system integration. Integrating them into existing systems to develop AI-powered applications. In 2022, we were honored with the Intel DevCup award. Our solutions are applied in fields such as enterprises, construction, and site management, assisting our clients in enhancing safety and management efficiency.